"You eliminate 99% of the attack surface to a single moment in time, which is the beginning. And when you do that, would-be attackers are forced to take risks and make mistakes. You know, when someone is planning on doing election fraud, this doesn't mean that it's impossible for them to do it. But it narrows the window so much that they are likely going to mess up. And when they mess up, you catch them." ~ Carlino
When people usually talk about alternative bitcoin "utility" they often mean NFTs, trash tokens, and "jpegs on the blockchain." But what if there really is another utility, one that doesn't suffer the damaging externalities and is closer to the core of what the timechain really is? Could Bitcoin protect the integrity of national elections? Diving into groundbreaking case study from Guatemala, we explore this idea with Carlino. Can this revolutionary approach be applied globally to ensure transparent and tamper-proof democratic processes?
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"This has been one of the most effective psychological operations that has ever been conducted on the public in human history. The high priests...
"The obsession with consumer payments in the Bitcoin community is an unfortunate relic of the fiat money era. Generations that have only known monetary...
"...At some point the entire financial system becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of the Federal Reserve" — Peter St. Onge Today we dive into...