"Bitcoin is the first time we’ve combined Money as a unit, with Money as a Network, into one thing."
- Alexsandar Svetski
Dont miss part 2, the conclusion, of Aleks Svetski's excellent volume of "The Bitcoin Times." A new global monetary network, the future & potential of Lightning, the difference between money & payments, Bitcoin & the internet, investing in networks, "dumb" vs "smart," and so much more!
Check out volume 1, and be sure to not miss out on the coming editions at the link below:
For further reading and exploration of these ideas, check out the other links mentioned in today's read:
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"Bitcoin is a living system constantly changing based on environmental stimuli. True understanding is a moving target unlikely to ever be hit. Attempting to...
"The government and the corporate environment so desperately want us to centralize so they can they can have total surveillance and they can have...
As per the usual activities of the NSA, they seem seriously focused on destroying software security, hacking into networks all over the world, installing...