In a crazy conversation from last night's meet-up, I learned of discussion of a purposeful re-org, a 51% attack, on the #BCH chain by 2 miners. After a few hours scrambling to pull details together this morning, this is what I've discovered so far. Don't miss this Guy's Take episode all about the #Bcash 51% attack!
These are the links to the conversations and posts that I found relevant information at:
Article on hash power dominance of BTC.TOP:
Reddit Threads:
Found after I finished recording the episode (will update with details in the next show):
"Imagine the ideal protocol. It would have the most trustworthy third party imaginable — a deity who is on everybody's side. All the parties...
I was lucky enough to get the opportunity at the Bitcoin 2019 Conference to sit down with Alex Adelman, the CEO of Lolli, and...
“From the beginning, Bitcoin has remained an open source and fully transparent project, and has the most organic growth trajectory of the industry. Given...