Money is the tool that enables human exchange and prosperity...
Bitcoin is a sovereign, sound, digital form of money...
Time is the only true scarcity that exists for humanity...
Listen to a walk through the Bitcoin perspective and the rich history that enlightens the story for Bitcoin's immense monetary potential. Reading the unabridged audiobook of Money, Bitcoin & Time, written by Robert Breedlove. Link below to the original PDF to explore the data and graphics or the extraordinary list of reads in the sources on pages 89-90.
"Thus was the dubious “clear and present danger” standard born. Holmes himself sought to redefine the standard later that same year when he dissented...
"When discussing consensus mechanisms for different cryptocurrencies, one issue that often causes arguments is a lack of understanding (and definition) of the security model...
"Any solution to the oracle problem, makes Bitcoin able to do anything that any other protocol out there can do." - Nadav Kohen So...