"If one transaction can be censored and controlled, can’t all transactions be censored and controlled? Can’t the powers-that-be deprive participants of the ability to exchange value globally and freely?" - Yassine Elmandjra
Starting into the first half of a great investment thesis on Bitcoin by Yassine from ARKinvest. Digging into the core economic assurances of the financial system and how the legacy, trust based model of financial authority has failed in providing them. Where have they broken down, and what has fundamentally caused it? And how does it compare to the unique economic tool of Bitcoin?
Today's read, Bitcoin: A Novel Economic Institution [Part 1]
Link to the full paper - https://ark-invest.com/white-papers/bitcoin-part-one/
Another great piece by Yassine covered on the show,
Winner Takes All, or Winner Takes Most? - https://anchor.fm/thecryptoconomy/episodes/CryptoQuikRead_204---Winner-Takes-All--or-Winner-Takes-Most--Misir-Mahmudov--Yassine-Elmandjra-e30vht
And Hasu's excellent piece,
Promise of Independent Property Rights - https://anchor.fm/thecryptoconomy/episodes/CryptoQuikRead_225---Bitcoin--the-Promise-of-Independent-Property-Rights-Hasu--Su-Zhu-e3j6b8
Lightning is slowly coming into its own. With simple working wallets, and dedicated plug-and-play nodes around the corner, its time to talk about the...
“These prospects have stirred a hive mind of dreamers and fueled an unprecedented bout of economic speculation. We don't know where it's headed. But...
"If Bitcoin's supply is expected to be endlessly deflationary, doesn't this ensure a never ending, economy destroying downward spiral?" Today we conclude with Part...