"we should all take a moment to be deeply grateful for the introduction of an ark upon which we can board, and from which we can later rebuild.” - Aleks Svetski
The Bitcoin Times vol 3 has LANDED! We are getting into it with 7 incredible pieces, starting today with the froward from Aleks Svetski, "Bitcoin & the Legend of Prometheus." You aren't going to want to miss this week as we dive into tons of other great works by Parker Lewis, Jeff Booth, Giacomo Zucco, Erik Cason, & Jimmy Song.
Check out the original by Aleks Svetski at the link below to drop some applause:
A huge Thank You to the Bitcoin Audible Sponsors:
Hexa Wallet - Mobile wallet, seedless, batching, custom fees, multiple accounts & more (guyswann.com/Hexa)
BitBox - Minimal, user friendly, secure, Swiss made, open source, hardware wallet (guyswann.com/BitBox)
LVL.co - The first Free, no-fee exchange & Bitcoin banking services!
"To do our best to minimize the economics jargon once again, we might simply ask: what are you going to do with your time?...
“I’m going to expose the Washington Post/Wonkblog piece for the nonsensical ramble that it is… in short, it relies on mistaken assumptions to paint...
"What the Internet has done for information, Bitcoin and the Lightning Network will do for money. " - Elizabeth Stark Finishing the amazing report...