"How does anyone censor something abstract and intangible; something that can consist of an arrangement of numbers and letters, and can be transported via any medium? What do you do? Ban pen and paper? Phone calls and the spoken word? Smoke signals? Morse code? To what end?" - Grubles
Are you hoping to censor Bitcoin? To stop people from transacting, or to prevent Bitcoin from being useable inside your country. Good luck, Bitcoin was built for just such a scenario. You certainly have a task ahead of you.
A great piece today from Grubles on why its not quite the easiest of tasks to censor Bitcoin:
Don't forget to get your BitBox02 with discount code "GUY" for 5% off at guyswann.com/bitbox
You should already be stacking, but take the work out of it by do it automatically with Swanbitcoin.com/guy (free sats to start your plan)
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