Latest Episodes

CryptoQuikRead_044 - Monero has Hard Forked - Resulting in Four New Projects
Monero's hard fork has been successfully executed as planned... or has it? Like many hard forks in the past, the consequences are rarely a...

CryptoQuikRead_043 - A History of Lightning: From Brainstorm to Beta
Listen to the extraordinary history of the Lightning Network stretching back to the beginnings of Bitcoin itself. Link to the article on Bitcoin Magazine:

CryptoQuikRead_042 - Critique of Buterin's Proof of Stake Design Philosophy
Tuur Demeester lays out his arguments against Vitalik's Proof of Stake Design Philosophy. Guess what he has to say. Listen to today's quick read...

CryptoQuikRead_041 - A Proof of Stake Design Philosophy
Decentralized blockchains are an entirely new organism in the realm of economics, cryptography, and social consensus. Is Proof-of-work still the king of the show? ...

CryptoQuikRead_040 - Why Bitcoin is Different
With thousands of ICOs and altcoins out there, how on earth can we tell a difference? And are they all better and faster versions,...

CryptoQuikRead_039 - The Central Banking Bubble
Not only can Bitcoin not be separated from the macro economic movements of the world, it may represent one of the few assets to...