Latest Episodes

CryptoQuikRead_032 - Bitcoin Could Revolutionize Property Rights
Could Bitcoin be a new and revolutionary tool in the quest for individuals to secure their property rights from both thieves and authoritative regimes...

CryptoQuickRead_031.5 - Lapp 1 - FileBazaar
7 LApps coming for Lightning Charge integration. LApp #1 is FileBazaar, integrating lightning payments for photos, videos, and documents.From the Blockstream Blog: ---...

CryptoQuikRead_031 - Nobody Understands Bitcoin (and that's ok)
Plenty of personalities and confident fools in the crypto space will tell you they know exactly what bitcoin is, and what the future holds. ...

CryptoQuikRead_030 - The NSA Tracks Down Bitcoin Users
As per the usual activities of the NSA, they seem seriously focused on destroying software security, hacking into networks all over the world, installing...

CryptoQuikRead_029 - Szabo's Towards a Digital and Private Common Law
Does Digital code present the possibility of augmenting, or even replacing, the functions of traditional private law? Nick Szabo explores the concept in his...

CryptoQuikRead_028 - Congress Releases Report Praising Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology
The US Congress released an economic report that discussed many of the advantages and concerns with cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. Listen to find out...