Latest Episodes

Read_848 - Stop Calling it MEV
"Sadly, there has been very little in the way of a clear definition of MEV in the context of Bitcoin. And the standard definition...

Read_847 - This is the Great Ravine
"I’m not asking you to fight the Beast of Big Politics, Big Tech and Big Media. Honestly I don’t know how you would. This...

Read_846 - Three Strangest Paradoxes of Mathematics
"Sometimes your gut feelings lead you astray—particularly in mathematics, in which one constantly comes across results that seem impossible... There are also many scenarios...

Chat_112 - Consensus Problems with ReardenCode
"If we leave Bitcoin as it is, it’s a new money for the 1%. The 1% can absolutely hold their own coins in a...

Read_845 - Understanding The COLDCARD Mk4 Security Model
"Using the COLDCARD Mk4 is pretty straightforward. Yet, what goes on under the hood is far from obvious. Technical documentation, the hardware specifications and...

Guy's Take_091 - The Path of Greatest Pain
Sometimes life will make you feel stuck, it will wear you down and gaslight you into believing you have made no progress. Small, persistent...