Citadel Preparations
The Great Financial Unraveling
Scared of the virus or government?
Kill Your Heroes
Business as usual?
With a special social distancing edition of the Raleigh Meetup Podcast, we get a big crew together talking all about the current state of the world, our own adjustments to this new reality, and if Bitcoin ready for this!
Don't forget to subscribe to the Raleigh Bitcoin Meetup Podcast for the crazy shit we talk about every week!
"As a decentralized and open source project, adopted by many programmers and proponents around the world, many intelligent people have dedicated their careers to...
Moving from the Electronic Age of Securities into the Digital Age. Anthony Pompliano lays out a vision of what the future may hold. Listen...
“Freedom, transparency, honesty, meritocracy, fairness, voluntaryism and hard work are great things one should strive toward, whether it is in developing money or living...