Finishing this week out with a short but wonderful introductory article by Nik Bhatia. Bitcoin is a money, a game, a land grab, works like email, and ultimately, Bitcoin is a human right. My discussion afterward may have gotten a little out of hand with a 40 minute follow-up to a 5 minute article. But when a good article sparks great ideas, sometimes its just hard to stop. ;)
Today we read and discuss Nik’s excellent piece, “Bitcoin is a Human Right”
Don’t forget to follow Nik Bhatia on twitter and medium and check out his other great work:
Check out the other great pieces of Nik's we have covered on the show in the past:
The Time Value of Bitcoin:
The Bitcoin Second Layer:
The Business of Bitcoin Cold Storage:
The Bitcoin Risk Spectrum:
“I have always believed that to really understand something and where it is going, you have to understand where it came from.” -@PetriB2 Today...
Even with #Bitcoin, are we destined for a future with intermediated payments? Will that give us a different color of the same system we're...
"It’s not and never was about equality or perfection. It’s about fairness and consequence. Bitcoin is “Responsibility go Up” technology." - Aleks Svetski The...