GuysTake_026 - The Halving is Not Priced in, Here's Why

January 29, 2020 01:08:45
GuysTake_026 - The Halving is Not Priced in, Here's Why
Bitcoin Audible
GuysTake_026 - The Halving is Not Priced in, Here's Why

Jan 29 2020 | 01:08:45


Hosted By

Guy Swann

Show Notes

As a follow up to Nic Carter's excellent breakdown of the efficient market hypothesis, and PlanB's piece addressing the market's evaluation of the risks in Bitcoin, I go through the reasons I feel the market both is very unwilling and unconfident about the consequences of the halving, and therefore sees it not as "known information," but more a blind gamble.

For diving deeper into the many topics and works that I brought up, here are the links of all those I remembered:
• Nic Carter's "Introduction to the Efficient Market Hypothesis"
• PlanB's "Efficient Markets and Bitcoin's Stock-to-Flow"
• Hayek's "Use of Knowledge in Society" [Part 1 & 2]
• Parker Lewis's "Bitcoin is Not Backed by Nothing"
• Hoppe's "Yield From Money Held Reconsidered"
• Conner Brown's "Bitcoin Has No Intrinsic Value, & That's Great!"

Don't forget to grab your tickets to BitBlockBoom and use the offer code CC for a 30% discount!

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