"Despite unprecedented fiscal and monetary intervention after the financial crisis, results have been disappointing. The American people do not need accounting tricks or more debt, but true innovation. Thankfully, Bitcoin provides a way forward." - Conner Brown
An excellent article found over at the Bitcoin Reserve Journal on how Bitcoin could lead us into an explosion of innovation and efficiency, and has the potential to right so many imbalances and decades of stagnation in the American economy. A new Gold Rush, in the Digital Age.
Check out the Blog below for a number of other great recent articles:
Start your Bitcoin Savings Plan at the Swan Bitcoin link below! Added is the link to the Swan Signal podcast to check out a couple of recent great episodes, specifically with today's author Conner Brown and also Marty Bent:
Swan Signal: https://swansignalpodcast.com/episodes/bitcoin-in-uncertain-times-e3
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