You are not going to want to miss this incredible piece on exactly how far we have strayed from anything resembling "capitalism," or even the goal of accumulating and growing the capital that improves our lives.
"This is your brain on central banking, regulatory capture, and financialization." - Sacha & Allen
Check out the original and hit that clap button excessively on both Allen and Sacha's pages below
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"The Cryptopocalypse is coming — Bitcoin’s (PoW) is so bad that it’s going to destroy the world in 2020!" -DanHeld Is Bitcoin's energy consumption...
"Imagine if all respectable business knowledge had been derived from studying large, established companies because there had never been a start-up in living memory....
Today we read an excellent article by Ben Perrin (@Btcsessions) laying out an excellent argument that reveals #BitcoinMaximalism as the meticulous and thoughtful position...