"The goods that fare better in hardness, scaleness and darkness will compete, and the first one to reach a critical mass will start swallowing the others, as far as monetary uses are concerned." - Giacomo Zucco
Continuing with the excellent series from Giacomo and Bitcoin Magazine, "Discovering Bitcoin: From Cavemen to the Lightning Network," we dive into Part 3 - Introducing Money. Building of the base concepts of savings in order to acquire time, of durability in a good to store that time, to investment in order to create greater productivity, and then to exchange and specialization, we finally introduce the ultimate good enabling cooperation on a massive scale, Money.
Listen to Parts 1-2 if you haven't yet to get a foundation for this piece:
Part 1 - About Time: https://anchor.fm/thecryptoconomy/episodes/Read_422---Discovering-Bitcoin---From-Cavemen-to-Lightning--Part-1-Giacomo-Zucco-ehdkrb
Part 2 - About People: https://anchor.fm/thecryptoconomy/episodes/Read_424---Discovering-Bitcoin-2---About-People-Giacomo-Zucco-ehgquv
Other essential reads mentioned in the Guy's Take section for going deeper down the rabbit hole on the nature & origins of money:
Shelling Out: The Origins of Money [Nick Szabo]
Money, Blockchains, & Social Scalability [Nick Szabo]
Stack sats automatically in your DCA Bitcoin savings plan at SwanBitcoin.com/Guy and get $10 for FREE to start off!
A huge thank you to BitcoinMagazine for making these available and to the Let's Talk Bitcoin Network for sharing this out to Bitcoiners everywhere!
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