"After all, Bitcoin is just a tool, and it’s only revolutionary in so far as its unique attributes generate novel possibilities for action — that is to say, new behaviors." - John Vallis
Before continuing our ride through The Bitcoin Times, we have a fantastic piece from John Vallis as part of the End of Year 2020 series with Bitcoin Magazine. One of numerous excellent articles looking back on 2020 and what it brought to Bitcoin, and what Bitcoin brought to it. John Vallis gives us a perspective of the change that Bitcoin instills, after all its just a tool, what really makes a difference, and where the change truly lies, is in us.
Don't miss a wonderful piece on the human element of Bitcoin's societal revolution. Bullish on Bitcoiners:
A huge Thank You to the Bitcoin Audible Sponsors:
Hexa Wallet - Mobile wallet, seedless, batching, custom fees, multiple accounts & more (guyswann.com/Hexa)
BitBox - Minimal, user friendly, secure, Swiss made, open source, hardware wallet (guyswann.com/BitBox)
LVL.co - The first Free, no-fee exchange & Bitcoin banking services! (guyswann.com/lvl)
"Because of their digital nature, many people still object to bitcoin, refuse to take it seriously or consider it altogether too scary. [...] It’s...
"With Bitcoin, lives and money are at stake. Interruption of its service can cause a cascade of losses and unintended consequences for potentially millions...
"Chaum’s work would inspire a group of cryptographers, hackers and activists, connected through a mailing list. It was this group — which included DigiCash...