Reboot - Shelling Out: The Origins of Money [Nick Szabo]

December 24, 2019 01:36:43
Reboot - Shelling Out: The Origins of Money [Nick Szabo]
Bitcoin Audible
Reboot - Shelling Out: The Origins of Money [Nick Szabo]

Dec 24 2019 | 01:36:43


Hosted By

Guy Swann

Show Notes

"The precursors of money, along with language, enabled early modern humans to solve problems of cooperation that other animals cannot – including problems of reciprocal altruism, kin altruism, and the mitigation of aggression. These precursors shared with non-fiat currencies very specific characteristics – they were not merely symbolic or decorative objects."  - Nick Szabo

If you haven't listened to it yet, the time is now. If you have listened to it, then it can't hurt to listen to it again. One of the most essential prerequisites in the Bitcoin space to shine a light on the foundations of money, its history, and the nature of its origins. Today we reboot Nick Szabo's incredible piece, "Shelling Out: The Origins of Money."

Check out the original piece hosted on the Nakamoto Institute, and of course the unenumerate blog where you can find hundreds of other excellent posts and works by Nick Szabo.

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