Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible. Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological ...more

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April 27, 2020 01:03:44
Read_386 - Anatomy of the State - Part 1 [Murray Rothbard]

Read_386 - Anatomy of the State - Part 1 [Murray Rothbard]

"The greatest danger to the State is independent intellectual criticism."                            -Murray N. Rothbard Another piece made available thanks to the amazing team over at...


April 24, 2020 00:44:23
Read_385 - Bitcoin & the Technological Evolution of the Financial System [BitcoinTINA]

Read_385 - Bitcoin & the Technological Evolution of the Financial System [BitcoinTINA]

"I think of Bitcoin as a conservative investment because it’s so superior to gold. The value of it should wind up at least equal...


April 24, 2020 00:35:07
Read_384 - A Declaration of Monetary Independence [Brady Swenson]

Read_384 - A Declaration of Monetary Independence [Brady Swenson]

"We Hodl these truths to be self evident" - Brady A Declaration of Independence for the age of the separation of money and state....


April 22, 2020 01:24:46
Chat_36 - How the Dollar Destroys Society with Bottomshelf Bitcoin

Chat_36 - How the Dollar Destroys Society with Bottomshelf Bitcoin

If finding out how the banking system is systematically ripping you off doesn't make your angry, then you're already dead. Had an awesome discussion...


April 21, 2020 00:45:49
Read_383 - The King of Blockchains, How Bitcoin Can Become the Foundation of Web 3.0 [Muneeb Ali]

Read_383 - The King of Blockchains, How Bitcoin Can Become the Foundation of Web 3.0 [Muneeb Ali]

"As the crypto industry makes progress toward Web 3.0, we’ll come to realize that it’s hard to beat the security and network effects of...


April 20, 2020 01:05:05
Read_382 - This is Not Capitalism [Allen F. & Sacha M.]

Read_382 - This is Not Capitalism [Allen F. & Sacha M.]

You are not going to want to miss this incredible piece on exactly how far we have strayed from anything resembling "capitalism," or even...
