Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible. Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological ...more

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Latest Episodes

October 24, 2018 00:32:11
CryptoQuikRead_172 - Bitcoin's Distribution Was Fair [Dan Held]

CryptoQuikRead_172 - Bitcoin's Distribution Was Fair [Dan Held]

As Bitcoin continues to succeed against all odds, there are more and more claims of how its “unfair” that early investors have profited.  Dan...


October 23, 2018 01:09:14
CryptoChat_007 - The One and Only @Real_Vijay

CryptoChat_007 - The One and Only @Real_Vijay

Today we chat with @Real_Vijay about Bitcoin maximalism, growing internet censorship, standing up to Google, the troubles of BCH, the fall of Bitmain, and...


October 22, 2018 00:41:43
CryptoQuikRead_171 - Mr Fantastic, A Response to Nouriel Roubini’s Senate Testimony [Daniel Goldman]

CryptoQuikRead_171 - Mr Fantastic, A Response to Nouriel Roubini’s Senate Testimony [Daniel Goldman]

“It’s a shame, then, given all the things he was saying that indeed needed saying, that the useful shade Roubini throws is sullied by...


October 19, 2018 00:32:39
CryptoQuikRead_170 - If Games Drive Crypto Mass Adoption, Then it Will be Grassroots [Tony Sheng]

CryptoQuikRead_170 - If Games Drive Crypto Mass Adoption, Then it Will be Grassroots [Tony Sheng]

There seems to be something inherently complementary between scarce digital goods in the video game world, and the systems that ensure the scarcity of...


October 18, 2018 00:26:23
CryptoQuikRead_169 - Neutrino: The Lighter Side of Lightning [Bryan Vu]

CryptoQuikRead_169 - Neutrino: The Lighter Side of Lightning [Bryan Vu]

Another awesome post on the Lightning Labs blog, this time breaking down Alice’s search for privacy and a great mobile user experience with Bitcoin. ...


October 17, 2018 00:28:06
GuysTake_002 - The Lightning App I Want to Use

GuysTake_002 - The Lightning App I Want to Use

Lightning is slowly coming into its own.  With simple working wallets, and dedicated plug-and-play nodes around the corner, its time to talk about the...
