Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible. Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological ...more

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November 16, 2018 00:46:07
CryptoQuikRead_187 - The Cryptocurrency Phenomenon [Part 2]

CryptoQuikRead_187 - The Cryptocurrency Phenomenon [Part 2]

Continuing our journey through the incredibly thorough and knowledgeable work by that focuses and clarifies the highly misunderstood narrative around the Cryptocurrency Phenomenon....


November 15, 2018 00:26:54
CryptoQuikRead_186 - The Cryptocurrency Phenomenon [Part 1]

CryptoQuikRead_186 - The Cryptocurrency Phenomenon [Part 1]

Today we start our journey through the incredibly thorough and knowledgeable work by that focuses and clarifies the highly misunderstood narrative around the...


November 14, 2018 00:18:38
CryptoQuikRead_185 - Sorry Bitcoin is Still Anarchist [Zack Voell]

CryptoQuikRead_185 - Sorry Bitcoin is Still Anarchist [Zack Voell]

"Government involvement is usually limited to mediating the clash between incumbents and innovators. Rarely is government the incumbent." -Zack Voell Think Bitcoin is apolitical?...


November 14, 2018 00:44:05
CryptoQuikRead_184 - How Many Forks Does it Take to Get to the Center of Satoshi's Vision [Guy Swann

CryptoQuikRead_184 - How Many Forks Does it Take to Get to the Center of Satoshi's Vision [Guy Swann

There is this wonderfully vague idea that I endlessly hear about called “Satoshi’s Vision.” I’ve read many differing supposed “visions” of Satoshi’s and the...


November 12, 2018 00:38:10
CryptoQuikRead_183 - Custody in the Age of Digital Assets [Fidelity Digital]

CryptoQuikRead_183 - Custody in the Age of Digital Assets [Fidelity Digital]

"What we’re witnessing with digital assets is a move back toward bearer assets — now that users of these protocols have figured out how...


November 09, 2018 00:24:14
CryptoQuikRead_182 - The Business of Bitcoin Cold Storage [Nik Bhatia]

CryptoQuikRead_182 - The Business of Bitcoin Cold Storage [Nik Bhatia]

"As investors reallocate their current investment portfolios to include bitcoin, trillions of dollars in market capitalization appreciation becomes an inevitable result"  -Nik Bhatia Another...
