Latest Episodes
Guy's Take_53 - Let's Talk CTV
Everybody take a deep breath! Right now all the drama on Twitter and the Bitcoin community is all about CTV. What is it? Is...
Read_622 - Silent Payments & Secret Blinding Keys [Shinobi]
"One issue with Bitcoin’s privacy, the ability to receive funds without giving up valuable information, is addressed with 'silent payments.'" - Shinobi Today we...
Read_621 - I Finance the Current Thing [Allen Farrington]
"Even if you knew this was complete and utter bullshit, and that being an agent and not a principal ethically and legally precludes you...
Read_620 - Reading of the Transcription of the Recording of the HODL vs DeaterBob "Debate" [Stephen Chow]
"You’re a thirsty bitch. You like to gargle Peter’s balls." - DeaterBob This is happening and there is nothing I can do about it...
Read_619 - Bitcoin Mining & The Gird, Part 1 - Generators [Blake King]
"Bitcoin miners are unique because of how fast, transparent, and flexible their response can be to pricing fluctuations. Riot’s Whinstone mining farm in Texas...
Read_618 - Expanding Functionality in Lightning Implementations [Shinobi]
"There are still many extensions to build out in the protocol and areas with unsolved scaling issues. In general, the Lightning protocol itself still...