This is an episode not to be missed. With a beta project focused entirely on the user experience, the @Breez_tech wallet is making a huge leap in the UX of Lightning that I thought was still months or even a year away. Very excited to discuss it and read an excellent article about all the challenges in the Bitcoin/Lightning user experience, and how they will be overcome. By Roy Sheinfeld, co-Founder of Breez Technology, today we read:
Lightning at the End of the Tunnel: Overcoming Bitcoin's UX Challenges
Check out the project on Twitter, check out their website, & Sheinfeld's Medium page to stay up to date on developments:
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"money printing only “works” if the majority of people don’t even realize that it is steadily devaluing their earnings and savings. People must be...
"While many of the innovations in the space are new, they’re built on decades of work that led to this point. By tracing this...
"Part of the problem of Lightning’s shortcoming regarding scalability of Bitcoin ownership is that in order to open a channel, or control a UTXO,...