Our monetary system has confiscated trillions in resources and value by corrupting the very incentives that keep our economy healthy and resilient… in that world, what role does Bitcoin play?
Today we read and discuss the fascinating metaphors in Part 3 of Brandon Quittem’s excellent series on the Bitcoin Organism - “Bitcoin is the Antivirus to Uncertainty”
Don’t forget to check out Parts 1 & 2 below, links to the audio as well as the original articles.
Bitcoin is a Decentralized Organism: https://medium.com/@BrandonQuittem/bitcoin-is-a-decentralized-organism-mycelium-part-1-3-6ec58cdcfaa6
Part 1 Audio: https://anchor.fm/thecryptoconomy/episodes/CryptoQuikRead_201---Bitcoin-is-a-Decentralized-Organism---Mycelium-Part-1-e2sarg
Bitcoin is a Social Creature: https://medium.com/@BrandonQuittem/bitcoin-is-a-social-creature-mushroom-part-2-3-6a05c3abe8f0
Part 2 Audio: https://anchor.fm/thecryptoconomy/episodes/CryptoQuikRead_224---Bitcoin-is-a-Social-Creature--Mycelium-Part-2-e3iq3u
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