"As a decentralized and open source project, adopted by many programmers and proponents around the world, many intelligent people have dedicated their careers to Bitcoin. It’s hard to find a more voracious group of people than those in the Bitcoin community, and increasingly over time, Wall Street money has poured in as well." - Lyn Alden
Today we conclude the awesome piece from Lyn Alden breaking down the petrodollar system and get some time to explore just how entering Bitcoin into the field could change the path going forward. Does it become a niche asset that serves a small market for specific use cases, or does it become something much bigger? Listen to find out, we have got a marathon of one today, and you don't want to miss it.
Don't forget to explore the absolute treasure trove of graphs and data to accompany this piece, and obviously the other amazing work from Lyn Alden as well:
A huge Thank You to the Bitcoin Audible Sponsors:
Hexa Wallet - Mobile wallet, seedless, batching, custom fees, multiple accounts & more (guyswann.com/Hexa)
BitBox - Minimal, user friendly, secure, Swiss made, open source, hardware wallet (guyswann.com/BitBox)
LVL.co - The first Free, no-fee exchange & Bitcoin banking services!
"we have nearly 11 years of empirical evidence that the network itself has been holding and transacting bitcoin, but instead of with private key...
What if, sitting in the middle of a chaotic monetary environment, increasing capital controls, balkanizing political regimes, a failing petrodollar hegemony, collapsing institutional trust,...
"In fact, this is the key feature that re-energized me toward Nostr a second time after my initial experience with it. Bitcoin and Nostr...