Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible. Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological ...more

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Latest Episodes

November 20, 2019 01:08:52
CryptoQuikRead_321 - Bitcoin is Not Too Slow [Parker Lewis]

CryptoQuikRead_321 - Bitcoin is Not Too Slow [Parker Lewis]

The 5th installment of the always fascinating "Gradually, then Suddenly" series from Parker Lewis and Unchained Capital.  What is the real problem that Bitcoin...


November 15, 2019 00:48:07
CryptoQuikRead_320 - The Bitcoin Reformation - Part 2 [Tuur Demeester]

CryptoQuikRead_320 - The Bitcoin Reformation - Part 2 [Tuur Demeester]

Today we conclude the report from Adamant Capital written by Tuur Demeester on a fascinating parallel between Bitcoin and the Protestant Reformation of the...


November 14, 2019 00:53:57
CryptoQuikRead_319 - The Bitcoin Reformation - Part 1 [Tuur Demeester]

CryptoQuikRead_319 - The Bitcoin Reformation - Part 1 [Tuur Demeester]

Today we start our journey through the new report from Adamant Capital written by Tuur Demeester on a fascinating parallel between Bitcoin and the...


November 12, 2019 01:57:17
CryptoChat_026 - Bitcoin for Self Defense with Max Hillebrand

CryptoChat_026 - Bitcoin for Self Defense with Max Hillebrand

Diving down the rabbit hole on the amazing privacy technologies in Bitcoin, what they are, how they can be used, and how it might...


November 11, 2019 00:40:43
CryptoQuikRead_318 - Taproot is Coming [Aaron van Wirdum]

CryptoQuikRead_318 - Taproot is Coming [Aaron van Wirdum]

One of the many amazing technologies coming to Bitcoin, Taproot is one of the most promising improvements to the privacy, efficiency, & capabilities of...


November 08, 2019 00:49:44
CryptoQuikRead_317 - The Triumvirate of Liquidity [Nik Bhatia]

CryptoQuikRead_317 - The Triumvirate of Liquidity [Nik Bhatia]

Today, Nik Bhatia takes us through a compressed history of the Dollar, Us Treasuries, and how we found ourselves in the current global financial...
