Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible. Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological ...more

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April 25, 2019 01:04:12
The Case for Electronic Cash [Jerry Brito]

The Case for Electronic Cash [Jerry Brito]

The full audio version of "The Case for Electronic Cash" by Jerry Brito. Abstract  Cash is more than a method of payment. It is...


April 24, 2019 01:05:14
GuysTake_011 - Why Lightning Sucks

GuysTake_011 - Why Lightning Sucks

Lightning is complicated, difficult to use, sometimes doesn't work properly, requires a lot of learning and experimentation, and is still a risky place to...


April 23, 2019 00:55:01
CryptoQuikRead_239 - How to Scale Bitcoin Without Changing a Thing [Part 2 - Nic Carter]

CryptoQuikRead_239 - How to Scale Bitcoin Without Changing a Thing [Part 2 - Nic Carter]

Even with #Bitcoin, are we destined for a future with intermediated payments?  Will that give us a different color of the same system we're...


April 22, 2019 01:09:54
CryptoQuikRead_238 - How to Scale Bitcoin Without Changing a Thing [Part 1 - Nic Carter]

CryptoQuikRead_238 - How to Scale Bitcoin Without Changing a Thing [Part 1 - Nic Carter]

"I believe that institutional scaling presents an under-appreciated scaling vector, and it is quite possible to employ it without significantly compromising Bitcoin’s assurances." Don't...


April 18, 2019 00:34:15
CryptoQuikRead_237 - Casa Keymaster Security - Mobile Key Overview [Jameson Lopp]

CryptoQuikRead_237 - Casa Keymaster Security - Mobile Key Overview [Jameson Lopp]

Today we go through a recent blog post by Jameson Lopp and the Casa team that goes into the clever, meticulous design used to...


April 17, 2019 00:59:03
CryptoQuikRead_236 - How Is Fiat Money Possible [Part 3 - Hans Hermann Hoppe]

CryptoQuikRead_236 - How Is Fiat Money Possible [Part 3 - Hans Hermann Hoppe]

Today we reach the conclusion of Hoppe's incredible piece on the nature of fractional reserve banking and the contradictions of fiat money.  With the...
