Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible. Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological ...more

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April 16, 2019 00:51:25
CryptoQuikRead_235 - How Is Fiat Money Possible [Part 2 - Hans Hermann Hoppe]

CryptoQuikRead_235 - How Is Fiat Money Possible [Part 2 - Hans Hermann Hoppe]

Continuing from yesterday's episode with Part 2 of our journey through Hoppe's amazing piece on the nature and origins of the fiat money system.  ...


April 15, 2019 00:35:44
CryptoQuikRead_234 - How is Fiat Money Possible [Part 1 - Hans Hermann Hoppe]

CryptoQuikRead_234 - How is Fiat Money Possible [Part 1 - Hans Hermann Hoppe]

"Fiat money is the term for a medium of exchange which is neither a commercial commodity, a consumer, or a producer good, nor title...


April 12, 2019 00:42:25
CryptoQuikRead_233 - Exit & Freedom [Nick Szabo]

CryptoQuikRead_233 - Exit & Freedom [Nick Szabo]

Building on the principles discussed in our exploration of the consequences of a society without cash, we apply it to a broader principle of...


April 11, 2019 00:24:41
CryptoQuikRead_232 - The Case for Electronic Cash [Part 3 - Jerry Brito]

CryptoQuikRead_232 - The Case for Electronic Cash [Part 3 - Jerry Brito]

The conclusion of The Case for Electronic Cash by Jerry Brito.  Today we close out this amazing piece with the moral case for why...


April 10, 2019 00:42:52
CryptoQuikRead_231 - The Case for Electronic Cash [Part 2 - Jerry Brito]

CryptoQuikRead_231 - The Case for Electronic Cash [Part 2 - Jerry Brito]

Continuing with Part 2 of "The Case for Electronic Cash" from Jerry Brito and  The consequences of total dependence upon financial intermediaries and...


April 09, 2019 00:44:15
CryptoQuikRead_230 - The Case for Electronic Cash [Part 1 - Jerry Brito]

CryptoQuikRead_230 - The Case for Electronic Cash [Part 1 - Jerry Brito]

Today we begin the long, and rewarding journey through Jerry Brito's & Coin Center's Report on "The Case for Electronic Cash." This is an...
