Bitcoin Audible

The Best in Bitcoin made Audible. Guy Swann makes the knowledge of Bitcoin, the world's most secure, independent money, accessible to everyone. Exploring Bitcoin from an investment perspective, economic analysis, its philosophical foundations, & technological ...more

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April 28, 2021 00:39:21
Read_521 - You Are Not Prepared [Knut Svanholm]

Read_521 - You Are Not Prepared [Knut Svanholm]

Hyperbitcoinization is defined by the Nakamoto institute as “a voluntary transition from an inferior currency to a superior one, and its adoption is a...


April 26, 2021 01:10:29
Read_520 - The Last Days of Satoshi [Pete Rizzo]

Read_520 - The Last Days of Satoshi [Pete Rizzo]

"To be sure, by the waning days of 2010, Satoshi Nakamoto was still acknowledged for inventing Bitcoin, and was respected for growing the world's...


April 22, 2021 00:56:00
Read_519 - The Key to an Abundant, Clean Energy Future [Square & ARKinvest]

Read_519 - The Key to an Abundant, Clean Energy Future [Square & ARKinvest]

"Bitcoin miners are unique energy buyers in that they offer highly flexible and easily interruptible load, provide payout in a globally liquid cryptocurrency, and...


April 19, 2021 00:50:45
Read_518 - Two Taproot Activation Clients! [Aaron Van Wirdum]

Read_518 - Two Taproot Activation Clients! [Aaron Van Wirdum]

"discussion about Taproot activation turned out to be a long and sometimes heated debate. Now, it has resulted in two different Taproot activation paths,...


April 16, 2021 00:59:09
Read_517 - Len Sassaman & Satoshi, A Cypherpunk History [Evan h]

Read_517 - Len Sassaman & Satoshi, A Cypherpunk History [Evan h]

"Embedded on every single node of the Bitcoin network is an obituary. Hacked into the transaction data, it’s a memorial to Len Sassaman, a...


April 15, 2021 02:19:45
Chat #60 - Strong Foundations in an Unstable Era, with Cory Tucek

Chat #60 - Strong Foundations in an Unstable Era, with Cory Tucek

A walk through Bitcoin history, the chaos of the early days, the blocksize war, working in film, financial catastrophes, the great reset, the breakdown...
