Latest Episodes
Read_523 - Fiat, Fascism, & Communism [Aleks Svetski]
"Bitcoin’s security guarantee comes from the direct conversion of unforgeable energy into a fixed supply unit on an incorruptible monetary network. There is no...
Read_522 - The Hidden Costs of the Petrodollar System [Alex Gladstein]
"It is truly impossible for the petrodollar system to be green when it is based on black gold." - Alex Gladstein Today we have...
Read_521 - You Are Not Prepared [Knut Svanholm]
Hyperbitcoinization is defined by the Nakamoto institute as “a voluntary transition from an inferior currency to a superior one, and its adoption is a...
Read_520 - The Last Days of Satoshi [Pete Rizzo]
"To be sure, by the waning days of 2010, Satoshi Nakamoto was still acknowledged for inventing Bitcoin, and was respected for growing the world's...
Read_519 - The Key to an Abundant, Clean Energy Future [Square & ARKinvest]
"Bitcoin miners are unique energy buyers in that they offer highly flexible and easily interruptible load, provide payout in a globally liquid cryptocurrency, and...
Read_518 - Two Taproot Activation Clients! [Aaron Van Wirdum]
"discussion about Taproot activation turned out to be a long and sometimes heated debate. Now, it has resulted in two different Taproot activation paths,...